Swiss Settlers in New Zealand

Joan Waldvogel

The book presents the first comprehensive history of Swiss settlement in New Zealand. It describes Swiss settlement in New Zealand from the time of the gold rushes in the 1860s to the present day in a very accessible way focusing Swiss-born migrants.




Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
PH 6912 - H
4-7 Werktage* (Deutschland)
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The book presents the first comprehensive history of Swiss settlement in New Zealand. It describes Swiss settlement in New Zealand from the time of the gold rushes in the 1860s to the present day in a very accessible way. The focus is on the Swiss-born migrants: who they were, why they came, how they have adapted to life in New Zealand, and their ongoing links with their homeland and the Swiss community in New Zealand. The migrants’ stories are set in the historical and social context of the period in which they arrived.
The book is a mixture of archival and other research of primary and secondary resources, and life history interviews. It will appeal to academics interested in the New World and migration studies and to Swiss living in New Zealand and elsewhere.