Principles of Ear Acupuncture

Axel Rubach

A must for ear acupuncturists! This outstanding reference guide and textbook provides a comprehensive review of both the French (after Nogier) and Chinese schools of acupuncture. The book offers a detailed description of the anatomy and morphology of the ear, acupoints on the ear and their localizations, as well as specific points for ear acupuncture. Dr. Rubach, with over twenty years experience as a practitioner and teacher, provides valuable information…




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A must for ear acupuncturists!

This outstanding reference guide and textbook provides a comprehensive review of both the French (after Nogier) and Chinese schools of acupuncture. The book offers a detailed description of the anatomy and morphology of the ear, acupoints on the ear and their localizations, as well as specific points for ear acupuncture. Dr. Rubach, with over twenty years experience as a practitioner and teacher, provides valuable information in an easy-to-read, helpful format.

You will learn how to use ear acupuncture safely and effectively. Large-format, graphic images are used to clearly show the location of points and the methods of auriculotherapy. The book includes answers to important everyday questions and is a treasury of practical information.

Special features of An Introduction to Ear Acupuncture:

A critical review of different methods of stimulation
A practical compendium of the therapeutic point combinations
Quick reference section on acupoints and localization
A question and answer section for instant review
The book includes special sections on the use of acupuncture in pregnancy, obstetrics, gynecology and dentistry. Filled with tips for daily practice and an excellent reference guide, this book is a must for students and ear acupuncturists.

Axel Rubach, MD, is a naturopath and acupuncturist in private practice in Munich, Germany. He has been an acupuncturist for over twenty years and is one the most prominent lecturers in the German Society of Physicians for Acupuncture.